• Zerostat-VT Spacer

Zerostat-VT Spacer

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Zerostat-VT Spacer

Zerostat VT spacer is a small vacuum chamber which is used in between mouth and inhaler. Function of this device is to hold the medicine so that patient has enough time to inhale comfortably. While inhaling less quantity at a time allows medicine to reach till lungs easily. This device is fully transparent and easy to use which gives you full benefits of the medicine.

How to use :

At first you need to remove the mouthpiece cap from the inhaler and insert it at the back end of the Zerostat VT spacer. Before that shake well and then insert, after press the inhaler and release the medicine into the spacer. Lock your lips around the mouthpiece of spacer to make a good seal and inhale slowly. This makes whole medicine to pass into your lungs slowly and hold your breath for 30 seconds or as long as it is possible for you to hold. Repeat the process if suggested by your doctor.

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